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Page 9
“He either travels with his own small portable vacuum cleaner or he’s very lucky…” She pointed to his arrest and conviction record, “His case was quite impressive actually,” Dr. Lucas half sat, half leaned on the immense table, “over a two year period he managed to gain access and control of literally hundreds of women’s computers in Florida, California, Texas and both Carolina states…”
Jordan was incredulous, “Hundreds?”
“Yes, he was also convicted of identity theft…” she waved her hand at the spread of paper on the table, “I didn’t read the particulars, but he was convicted and sentenced to twenty-four years and only served three.”
“Goddamit.” Jordan picked up a sheet with the official seal of the Florida state prison department.
“Well, back then these cyber crimes were quite a new phenomena… lots of states just didn’t know what to make of them yet.”
“He got out six years ago.”
“Good luck finding him.” She stood and gave her a pat on the shoulder, “Given this is victim number three, that we know of, I’m sure he’s going to have a fourth.”
Catherine was sitting at her desk when Jordan got back; “Hey…” she greeted her with a distracted smile, “So?”
“Warren Neville Jeffers.” Jordan answered, briefly waving the stack of printouts before plunking them on her desk with a thud, “He hails from Florida, educated in Texas, and is a convicted sex offender…” She accessed her email while she spoke, “He was specifically convicted of sextortion, a term we use here to describe someone who digitally invades someone’s life in order to blackmail them. I scanned his case in the elevator and the specifics got very complicated very quickly.” Catherine peered at her around their back-to-back monitors, her brows arched. She held up the printouts Dr. Lucas had given her and waved them helplessly, “They said Jeffers was a Ratter? Or he did ratting?” She shrugged and plopped the papers back on her desk with an exasperated sigh. “Do you know what that means?”
“Ratting,” Catherine nodded, “yes, an RAT is a remote administration tool.”
Jordan snorted, smiling, “I knew you’d know.”
She grinned back, “It’s a toolkit hackers use to gain access to people’s computers.”
“Figures…” Jordan muttered as she typed on her keyboard, “I’m sending Bea a facial recognition request for her massive database so we can get a hit if he tries traveling on rail… or planes or toll roads…” She clicked the send button and opened a new email, “And now I’m forwarding you his record; would you read it and translate all the computer stuff for me?”
“Of course…” She checked her email, “Got it. Speaking of; I have a meeting with Bea in…” she checked the time, “half an hour, I’ll read this and get back to you after… is that okay?”
“Yep.”Jordan was staring at her screen, “What did you send me?”
Oh…” Catherine peered around their monitors again, “that gigantic file is Nancy Ward’s online journal, complete with her links and attachments, everything.”
“Oh yeah…” Jordan rotated her neck, “I think I’ll read this on the big screen across the hall.” She got up, grabbing her tablet and walked around to Catherine’s desk, “Unless something new develops that’s where I’ll be when you’re done for the day.” She bent to give her a kiss and Catherine gladly tilted her head, humming softly when their lips met,
“I’ll get you when I’m done.”
Jordan got up stiffly from the theater-style seat and stretched. She checked her watch and groaned; she had been reading Nancy Ward’s personal journal for over an hour, Oh, my god this is so boring! She groaned silently, Nancy Ward did not deserve the death Jeffers gave her and she may have been a computer code genius but, Jesus! She raised her arms over her head and rotated her hands at the wrists while she stretched again, She wrote like she was still in high school.
She wearily grabbed the remote she left on the armrest and clicked to the next entry; She wrote about Schmidt, I mean, Jeffers, like he was some cool, anti-establishment antihero of the senior prom. She wandered over to the podium and propped her elbows on it, leaning against it for support. The entirety of their relationship was confined to either the bedroom or their chats online about how much better the country would be if Hitler had won the war.
She shuffled wearily back to her seat and continued to read, slumping in the cushioned chair,
“Himmler was intensely interested in Germanic paganism, I love the letter of his sent to me by Thor where he wrote to the head of the Ahnenerbe that he believed ancient Germans enacted laws and marriages upon ancient stones at burial places of the Sippe. He said this custom was used until 1930: If there was a girl in a village who had reached marriageable age and not found a man, the father went out on the new moon with the girl and the villagers. The girl was placed on the ancestral burial and the villagers stood in a wide circle around her, facing outward. Speaking beforehand with a villager, one of the blood-community, the father arranged for the man to couple with his daughter. The sexual act took place on the ancestral burial ... What was done was in the sight of, and on the grave of, the ancestors."
“Thor said we’ll do this too, and I can’t wait for the joining of Thor and Ostara. It makes my loins tingle with anticipation and longing.”
“Lord.” Jordan grumbled and used the remote to click up the next entry. Same boring crap, she scanned the hugely illuminated page on the wall and clicked up the next,
“I love how he always whispers in my ear how the world should have been. How it could have been, had Hitler won. I love when he switches from that to how he’ll initiate the return of the Silver Shirts. By the time he starts grunting about bringing decadent America to its knees, I am ready to come.”
“To quote Catherine,” Jordan muttered, “Eew.” She clicked up the next entry, reading with increasing speed until she was scanning the pages of Nancy Ward’s journal almost as fast as she could click to the next entry. Her concentration was total and more than half an hour passed when she suddenly blinked, “Whoa…” She stood and took a few steps toward the podium, “What’s this?” She had rapidly scanned another journal entry about Nancy’s latest sexual escapade and was about to click to the next when she noticed a file folder at the bottom of the page, it was labeled, “Herr Schmidt.”
She clicked open the file and leaning against the podium, folded her arms across her chest. It contained just one document and another file folder called, “Keep this for my protection.” She clicked open the document first.
“I cannot believe he sent this to me. On the one hand, it shows he meant what he said; we are of one flesh now, so he now trusts me with his innermost thoughts and beliefs. On the other hand, this goes way beyond LARPing. If he’s serious about all this… but he can’t be, this can’t be real for him!”
A single brow arched on Jordan’s forehead and she clicked the brief document closed, “You kept this file for your protection…” she said aloud, “well,” she clicked open the folder, “whatever’s in here didn’t do that, now did it?” It contained another document, “Oh, for chrissakes…” She groaned until she caught the file name and the hand with the remote froze midair, “The War of the Future.” Jordan felt a chilling thread of fear down her spine and double-clicked it open,
“This is for you, my Ostara, commit it to your heart, so it may embolden you and give you both strength and succor for what awaits us in our future together.”
Her eyes dropped further down the page to the heading:
“Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.” - Adolph Hitler
These are my most favorite quotations of the man who should have become Führer to our country and the world:
“Humanitarianism is the expression of stupidity and cowardice.”
“Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself ag
ainst the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.”
“Struggle is the father of all things. It is not by the principles of humanity that man lives or is able to preserve himself above the animal world, but solely by means of the most brutal struggle.”
“The great strength of the totalitarian state is that it forces those who fear it to imitate it.”
“The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.”
“The very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and regular employment of violence.”
“Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has ever invented for its own destruction.”
“What good fortune for governments that the people do not think.”
“I do not see why man should not be just as cruel as nature.”
“It is not truth that matters, but victory.”
“Any alliance whose purpose is not the intention to wage war is senseless and useless.”
“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.”
Struggle was how the Aryan race attained greatness and its destiny is to rule, utterly. As a corporal in the First World War, Herr Hitler was spared by an English soldier/sniper in a wooded battlefield. They looked into each other’s eyes, and the Englishman let him go. Then one night, while eating dinner in a trench, Herr Hitler heard a voice telling him to get up and go over there. He described it as sounding like a military command. No sooner had he done so than a shell exploded over the group he had been sitting with and everyone was killed. Clearly, Herr Hitler had a destiny that could not be denied.
Astrologist Madame Helena Blavatsky sold a popular book introducing the Aryans; she taught Spirituality via séances, tarot cards, etc. But it was Guido Von List who realized the Aryans were not Persian, but German. It was he who recognized it was German Racial Destiny to acknowledge itself as the Master Race. I will reprint their books and Lanz von Liebenfels’s Ostara magazine for the superior masses so they might be educated as to their actual history and destiny.
We must defend ourselves against the lower, inferior races. Through insidious interbreeding by Jews, blacks, Asians, all of the inferior races are destroying us from within. It was Liebenfels who described the mongrolization of the races. He said the inferior races don’t have to take arms against you, they destroy you from within. He advocated for racial purification. His solution? Extermination via sterilization and castration.
It was Erik Jan Hanussen, the famed astrologer, who predicted Hitler’s luck would change in 30 days, resulting in power. He gave him a good luck charm, a mandrake root from his hometown, a root resembling a man and presented it to Herr Hitler on New Year’s Day 1933.
Hanussen inscribed some verses (encapsulated and hung around the mandrake root’s neck) wherein he described a league, a bond between himself, the mandrake and Hitler. The verses said Hitler would have unlimited power and good fortune as long as he held true to this bond between himself and the mandrake and Hanussen, but if the bond was broken, all would end in flames within 12 years.
30 days later, Hitler was chancellor of Germany.
Then, during a séance on Feb. 26, Hanussen had a vision of a burning building. The next day, the Reichstag, Germany’s parliament burned to the ground. After the Kaiser died, Hitler became Germany’s leader. Occultists, astrologers, etc. were rounded up. Why? Hitler rejected them, convinced no one could dictate his life to him, not the stars, no one. He believed himself to be the messiah, the master of his own fate. And so on June 30, 1934, in order to protect his need for ever growing power, he targeted 200 people for death, including Hanussen, breaking their bond. This occurred during The Night of the Long Knives. Hitler doubted the power of the occult, but his inner circle held true believers.
June 1941. Hitler invades Russia, but the month before, Rudolph Hess flew to England to negotiate peace on a day of a major conjunction of the planets, deemed by the astrologers around him to be very powerful. Hitler publically condemned him, his occultism, his use of an astrologer, and declared him a disgrace. Occultists continued to be rounded up alongside common scum: communists, gypsies, Jews, and homosexuals. Yet Heinrich Himmler, Reichsführer of the Schutzstaffel, the SS, the Protection Squadron and the architect of the holocaust, remained a devout occultist. Himmler believed the Aryan race was forged through conflict and war, creating a stronger race.
Himmler was interested in mysticism and the occult from an early age. He, now the lone occultist in Herr Hitler’s inner circle, cleaved to his beliefs and searched for proof of Aryan and Nordic racial superiority from ancient times. He promoted the cult of ancestor worship, particularly among members of the SS, as a way to keep the race pure and provide immortality to the nation.
Himmler's private rooms were dedicated to the tenth-century Saxon King Heinrich the first (also known as Henry the Fowler) and he kept them decorated in period fashion. Himmler shared his Christian name with the king, he believed he was his reincarnation and therefore, was an honorary member of the royal clan. His father had been tutor to Prince Heinrich of Bavaria, the young Himmler was named for him and he was also the Prince's godson. At midnight each July 2, the anniversary of the king’s death, he would commune in silence with King Heinrich.
Himmler recognized German racial superiority. He understood the immense supernatural power of the occult and dedicated his life to the preservation and promotion of The Master Race. But winning the war was not as important as wiping out the lower races to Herr Hitler, and he routinely rerouted trains that should have been heading for the front with troops, so they could ferry more people to the extermination camps instead.
The thousand year Reich lasted only 12.
Herr Hitler came to power January 3rd to 31st, a pagan holiday, one of the 8 pagan Sabbaths. He committed suicide on another pagan Sabbath, April 30, called Beltane (Walpurgis Nacht) the night when witches gather.
3 weeks after Hitler’s suicide, in British custody, Himmler swallowed a cyanide capsule.
I wonder how different our world would look today if Hitler had been steadfast in his beliefs and what we could have become had Himmler succeeded in empowering The Master Race to take dominion over the world.
But Herr Hitler’s rejection of fate and the occult ultimately doomed him, his destiny, and his Reich. He should have trusted Himmler! Himmler, who only expanded his occult beliefs!
Both their suicides were the fault of Herr Hitler’s lack of, and abandonment of faith in Germanic pagan beliefs.
However, Himmler also failed; he should have used the inferior races for labor across the country instead of just in extermination camps. When I rise, I will control them by creating a sub-division within my new Ahnenerbe in charge of controlling the breeding program. Selectively breed for stupidity, strength and sterility with a limited lifespan, provided they are not eliminated by other means, extermination, etc. until we have perfected our totalitarian/utopian state and can rid ourselves of them utterly.
The vernal equinox, Ostara, inaugurates the New Year on the Zodiac calendar. From this point, the day overcomes the night. It is the time of rebirth. It is a time of great fertility.
Just as Herr Himmler was the reincarnation of the 10th century Saxon King Heinrich, I know I am, at once, the reincarnation and biological offspring of Herr Joseph Schmidt, the man who worked the hardest to bring America to a new world order. I may not have been able to realize the astounding psychic abilities he had, but I acknowledge the greatness of my destiny, and I will fulfill that great destiny and bring the world again into light, saving it from itself when I take my place as the greatest leader this county has ever known.
Himmler failed, but his words are still of great value, even today, especially today;
“My honor is my loyalty.”
“The best political weapon is the weapon of terror. Cruelty commands respect. Men may hate us. But, we don't ask for their love; only for their fear.”
> “We know that these clashes with Asia and Jewry are necessary for evolution.”
“We have only one task, to stand firm and carry on the racial struggle without mercy.”
The fools of Wall Street believe something as simple as a glitch is responsible for the repeated crashes. They couldn’t be more wrong. When the time comes, I will bring it down completely, and when I bring them back online, they will all belong to me.
All the signs have appeared; legalized gay marriage, a nigger president, the sciences rediscovering the value of eugenics, the vast troubles of the Middle East pointing unerringly to the obviously necessary elimination of the Jews. When I bring the New America online, it will send a signal to the pure around the world to join us, and the conquest of their nations will be as simple as a series of equations to achieve total dominion, and when I have it I will have succeeded as the leader of The Master Race. On that day, at last, we will rise like the phoenix and live in the world as it should be, populated only by superior beings, fulfilling their destiny.
This is not The End Times.
This Time I embrace as my destiny, and one day This Time will be known as The Beginning.
It is time for America to take her rightful place, exalted, among nations.”
Jordan stood with her arms folded across her chest and pointing the remote at the screen, clicked Jeffers’s manifesto closed. She felt drained and she stood staring at the darkened wall screen for long minutes until Catherine knocked softly on the door as she entered,